General Physics 1 (PHYS 1110, Summer 2024)

For questions, concerns, or any other matters relating to this course, please feel free to email me at any time, on any day. (But do not expect an immediate reply!) Note that most of the course information (syllabus, schedule, grades, etc.) is available on Canvas.

My office hours (Physics HelpRoom, Duane G2B90):

I encourage my students, however, to seek not just my help, but help from other TAs. Often, a divesity of perspectives breeds a deeper understanding.

My recitation sections:

Experimental Physics 1 (PHYS 1140, Spring 2024)

For questions, concerns, or any other matters relating to this course, please feel free to email me at any time, on any day. (But do not expect an immediate reply!) Note that most of the course information (syllabus, schedule, grades, etc.) is available on Canvas.

My lab sections:

My help sections:

General Physics 1 (PHYS 1110, Fall 2023)

For questions, concerns, or any other matters relating to this course, please feel free to email me at any time, on any day. (But do not expect an immediate reply!) Note that most of the course information (syllabus, schedule, grades, etc.) is available on Canvas.

My office hours (Physics HelpRoom, Duane G2B90):

I encourage my students, however, to seek not just my help, but help from other TAs. Often, a divesity of perspectives breeds a deeper understanding.

My recitation sections: